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General terms and conditions of sale

Last update : 11/03/2019

SAS SEAVER, hereinafter referred to as "SEAVER", is a simplified joint stock company with a capital of thirty-six thousand nine hundred (36,900) Euros, whose head office is located in CAEN (14000), 17 rue Claude Bloch, registered with the Caen Trade and Companies Register under No. 820.207.637, represented by Mr. Zakaria ANTAR, its Chairman.


Whenever used herein in capital letters, the terms below shall have the meaning attributed to them hereinafter, regardless of their gender or number:
- BUYER : means the natural or legal person having placed one or more orders, for one or more PRODUCT(S) and/or SERVICE(S), followed by their actual payment, through the SITE and/or SERVICES published by SEAVER.

- CONTRACT : refers to the whole constituted by the present stipulations, possibly completed by an order form and/or special conditions issued by SEAVER, if necessary by their appendices and possible riders to the exclusion of any other document, in particular those that may be issued unilaterally by the BUYER before or after the formation of the contract.

- DATA : means all of the BUYER's or USER's information and data, as well as the horse under its control, generated by the implementation of the SERVICES and/or PRODUCTS or processed by them, under the BUYER's responsibility. This term includes PERSONAL DATA.

- PERSONAL DATA : means, within the meaning of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (as amended by the Decree of November 4, 1991 and by the Act of August 6, 2004 transposing Directive 95/46/EC), any information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements specific to him or her

- SEAVER: means the SAS SEAVER mentioned in the preliminary article herein.

- THE PARTIES : refers to SEAVER and the BUYER as co-contractors hereto.

- PRODUCT(S) : refers to any physical object, in particular connected objects, sold by SEAVER.

- SERVICES : refers to all software applications, programs and solutions, free of charge and/or for a fee, corresponding to the BASIC SERVICES and/or SUBSEQUENT SERVICES, made available to the BUYER in execution hereof.

- BASIC SERVICE : refers to all free software services and solutions that SEAVER undertakes to provide to the BUYER in performance hereof.

- SUBSEQUENT SERVICES : refers to all paid software services and solutions that SEAVER undertakes to provide to the BUYER in performance hereof, following a purchase made by the BUYER on the SITE or SERVICES.

- SITE : refers to the website accessible at the following address:

USER : may refer to the BUYER as an actual user - consumer of the PRODUCT(S) and/or SERVICE(S) offered by SEAVER or any other recipient as a consumer, authorized by the BUYER to make use of the PRODUCTS and/or SERVICES in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract, under the BUYER's responsibility.


The present general terms and conditions determine the contractual conditions applicable to the supply of products and services proposed by SEAVER to the BUYER.

The BUYER declares to have read the present terms and conditions and to have accepted them without reserve before acquiring the products and subscribing to the Services.

The present general terms and conditions are applicable to the exclusion of all other general terms and conditions of sale or purchase appearing on the proposals, offers, acknowledgements of receipt, invoices, correspondence, or printed matter issued by the BUYER. No modification of these terms and conditions shall be deemed accepted by SEAVER without its express prior written consent.


The purpose of this AGREEMENT is to define the conditions under which SEAVER makes PRODUCTS and SERVICES available to the BUYER, and the conditions under which the BUYER or USER may access them.

This AGREEMENT applies to all means and actions allowing:

- the presentation of an offer of Services or sale of Product(s) to the BUYER published by SEAVER

- the acceptance of this offer through the conclusion of the AGREEMENT and its execution.


Il est mis à la disposition de l’ACHETEUR un descriptif des PRODUITS et des SERVICES proposés par SEAVER sur le SITE et/ou les SERVICES.

Il est ainsi rappelé à l’ACHETEUR que SEAVER n’est liée que par les seules présentes Conditions Générales de Vente, les descriptifs, caractéristiques, présentations de fonctionnalités et prix sur des supports édités et directement présentés par SEAVER.

Il appartient à l’ACHETEUR de vérifier la comptabilité du/ou des PRODUIT(S) et SERVICE(S) tels qu’ils sont décrits dans les éléments listés ci-dessus, avec ses besoins propres ou ceux auxquels il les destine.

Les photographies et/ou vidéos de PRODUITS ou SERVICES ne sont fournies qu’à titre indicatif et non à des fins d’information. N’ayant aucune valeur contractuelle, ces dernières ne doivent pas être déterminantes du consentement de l’ACHETEUR à la commande de PRODUIT(S) ou SERVICE(S).


Le présent contrat est conclu au prix et conditions exposés par SEAVER à l’ACHETEUR à la date de sa commande de PRODUIT(S), et/ou lors de sa souscription à des SERVICES.

Les prix et modalités présentés par SEAVER peuvent être modifiés à tout moment. Aussi, seuls le prix et les modalités qui sont présentés à l’ACHETEUR au moment où il passe commande lui sont applicables.

Le prix des SERVICES et des PRODUITS sont toujours exprimés hors frais éventuel de livraison et de transport et ne comprennent pas les frais de douanes, ni les taxes (y compris TVA lorsque celle-ci est due) et droits de toute nature pour permettre l’acheminement et l’utilisation par l’ACHETEUR des PRODUITS et/ou SERVICES, l’ensemble de ces frais, droits et taxes étant à la charge exclusive de l’ACHETEUR, de sorte que SEAVER encaisse un prix net.

En fonction du lieu de connexion de l’ACHETEUR, les prix peuvent ne pas indiquer les taxes. SEAVER n’est pas tenu d’informer l’ACHETEUR des impôts, taxes, droits ou autres prestations en vigueur dans le pays vers lequel les PRODUITS et/ou SERVICES sont acheminés ou dans lequel ils seront utilisés par l’ACHETEUR. Ce dernier est tenu de se renseigner auprès des Autorités compétentes.

De ce fait, toute taxe non indiquée lors du processus de commande demeure exigible à l’ACHETEUR, eu égard à la législation applicable et à la charge de l’ACHETEUR.

Les prix sont exprimés en euros. Ils peuvent donc être proposés à l’ACHETEUR dans une monnaie ne correspondant à la monnaie utilisée au sein de l’Etat dans lequel réside l’ACHETEUR. Il convient à l’ACHETEUR de se renseigner sur les frais et taux de changes applicables au moment où il passe commande, notamment au regard du moyen de paiement qu’il souhaite utiliser et qui est proposé par le site.

Les frais éventuels de livraison et de transport sont mentionnés avant validation de la commande et facturés en supplément sauf indication contraire signalée à ce moment-la par SEAVER.

Cette indication peut prendre la forme, de façon non exhaustive, d’un bon de réduction, d’une carte-cadeau ou d’une offre spéciale.

L’ACHETEUR pourra prendre connaissance du détail de son panier en cliquant sur l’icône ‘’Panier’’. Il pourra alors y intégrer des bons de réductions et carte-cadeau dont il dispose, dans le respect des modalités de ces bons et cartes-cadeaux, afin que le prix total indiqué en prenne compte.


Pour réaliser une commande de PRODUIT(S) et/ou SERVICE(S), l’ACHETEUR pourra :

– Créer un compte personnel sur le SITE
– Se connecter à son compte personnel préalablement créé sur le SITE

Afin de permettre une bonne exécution de la commande et de la livraison, l’ACHETEUR s’engage et garantit ne communiquer que des informations véridiques, complètes et mises à jour et notamment ses :

– Nom
– Prénom
– Adresse mail
– Adresse physique complète
– Numéro de téléphone

Et, le cas échéant, les informations relatives au destinataire de la commande, si celui-ci diffère de l’ACHETEUR, et après que ce destinataire tiers ait donné son accord préalable pour recevoir la commande et autorisé la communication à SEAVER de DONNEES PERSONNELLES le concernant.

Le but étant de permettre à SEAVER de disposer des informations nécessaires à l’établissement de la facture de la commande passée par l’ACHETEUR, d’identifier ce dernier et d’effectuer la livraison selon les modalités détaillées à l’article 5.2 des présentes.

L’ACHETEUR, une fois son panier complété et son identification effectuée, se verra proposer une option de livraison, facturée au prix indiqué selon le pays de livraison, pour l’ensemble des PRODUITS et SERVICES composant son panier.

Sauf indication expresse contraire, les bons de réduction et cartes-cadeaux ne s’appliquent pas au prix de la livraison.


Un récapitulatif des informations relatives à la commande, son contenu et à la livraison, est mis à disposition de l’ACHETEUR afin de lui permettre d’en vérifier le détail.

Ce récapitulatif comprendra en outre le prix de la commande de l’ACHETEUR ainsi que le tarif de la livraison, et le total indiquant le prix à payer effectivement dans le cadre de la commande. Il est porté à l’attention de l’ACHETEUR que ce prix ne contient pas les frais de douanes et peut ne pas contenir l’ensemble des taxes qu’il serait éventuellement amené à acquitter au regard de la législation qui lui est applicable.

L’ACHETEUR doit cliquer sur “Payer” afin de confirmer et finaliser sa commande.

Il lui est alors communiqué un numéro de commande.Tant qu’il n’a pas cliqué sur ce bouton, l’ACHETEUR conserve la possibilité d’éditer, modifier les informations relatives à la commande, son contenu et la livraison (notamment l’adresse de facturation et/ou d’expédition).

La confirmation de la commande entraîne la conclusion d’un contrat entre l’ACHETEUR & SEAVER. Par ce contrat l’ACHETEUR déclare et reconnaît accepter sans réserve :
- l’offre présentée par SEAVER sur le SITE et/ou SERVICES
- les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente
- sauf mention contraire et expresse, le paiement immédiat du prix de vente dans son intégralité auprès SEAVER.

SEAVER enverra alors à l’ACHETEUR, dans les meilleurs délais, un courrier électronique accusant réception de la commande, l’acceptation et le paiement de la commande de l’ACHETEUR, à l’adresse indiquée lors du processus de commande. Il lui sera communiqué un second courrier électronique permettant d’accéder au suivi du colis.


L’ACHETEUR déclare et reconnaît, une fois la commande finalisée, être tenu d’une obligation de payer à l’égard de SEAVER. L’absence de tout paiement empêche toute formation de la commande.

Il est mis à la disposition de l’ACHETEUR différents moyens de paiement au choix, afin de procéder au paiement de sa commande, ces moyens étant indiqués lors de la finalisation de la commande. Il est notamment possible de régler sa commande au moyen de :
- carte bancaire en une ou plusieurs fois. Les transactions sont réalisées par le biais d’une plateforme d’encaissement de transactions permettant de sécuriser vos paiements.
- un service “Paypal”. Il peut cependant être demandé à l’ACHETEUR de disposer d’un compte personnel.

Une fois ce choix effectué, l’ACHETEUR sera invité à compléter un formulaire permettant d’identifier le moyen de paiement choisi. Les moyens de paiement proposés sont édités et réalisés par des sociétés tierces. De ce fait, SEAVER n’a jamais accès aux données bancaires de l’ACHETEUR.

Afin de prévenir toute fraude, SEAVER a mis en œuvre des procédures de vérification des commandes permettant de bloquer et, le cas échéant, d’annuler une commande en cas de fraude détectée. SEAVER préviendra alors l’ACHETEUR par courrier électronique à l’adresse par lui indiquée. Si cette annulation est erronée, l’ACHETEUR devra contacter le service client de SEAVER au moyen du formulaire de contact disponible sur le SITE, ou en envoyant directement un email à


Afin de constituer et conserver une copie des éléments permettant la conclusion du contrat, SEAVER archive les communications, bons de commande et factures sur ses serveurs.
L’ACHETEUR a la possibilité d’accéder à l’ensemble des éléments le concernant au travers de son compte-personnel.

Realization of the delivery

The BUYER or the third party designated by him to receive the delivery is required to observe certain precautions regarding the delivery, in particular :
- his or her presence, or that of the third party designated by him or her, at the address indicated when the order was finalized, at the times when the persons or carrier in charge of delivery pass by, if these times have been indicated by SEAVER, or failing this, his or her diligence in collecting the goods at the collection points indicated, of the order after the passage of the person or carrier in charge of delivery
- proceed as soon as the delivery has been received, to the verification of the PRODUCT(S) delivered and notify immediately, if necessary, by e-mail sent to the following address, any anomaly or deterioration on the PRODUCT(S) of the order in order to inform SEAVER

expressly indicated or agreed otherwise, SEAVER undertakes to deliver the PRODUCTS ordered within thirty (30) working days after conclusion of the contract and payment of the order.

Delivery is effected by the transfer of physical possession or control of the PRODUCT to the BUYER or to a third party designated by the BUYER.

Delivery of the PRODUCTS will be deemed to have taken place as soon as it is :
- carried out at the address indicated by the BUYER at the time of the finalization of its order, either with the BUYER, or after the third party which it will have indicated, or
- carried out after the first passage of the person or the conveyor charged with the delivery and after the deposit at the point of collection of the order, in the event of absence of the BUYER or the third party indicated by him at the address of delivery indicated,
- carried out as a result of activation of the SERVICES linked to an account

The risks of loss or damage to the PRODUCT(S) are transferred to the BUYER at the time of delivery, when the BUYER or the third party designated for this purpose (other than the carrier proposed by SEAVER), takes physical possession of the PRODUCT(S).



The BUYER may, without prejudice to any other rights available to him in his capacity as a consumer and purchaser, be claimed the costs necessary to make a new shipment, in the event of the return of an order due to an impossibility of delivery which is neither attributable to SEAVER nor attributable to the carrier responsible for making the delivery.

The BUYER may rescind the contract if SEAVER fails to deliver the order under the conditions mentioned below:

- within thirty (30) working days after confirmation and payment of his order.
- on the date indicated at the time of the order (more than thirty (30) working days after confirmation and payment of the order).

The BUYER shall, prior to rescission of the contract, request SEAVER to make delivery within a reasonable additional period, the rescission being acquired only once this period has elapsed and the delivery has not been made.

The BUYER is obliged to do this by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or in writing on a durable medium.

The contract will be considered terminated upon receipt by SEAVER of the registered letter or written notice of termination, unless the order has been delivered in the meantime.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the BUYER retains the possibility of immediately terminating the contract in the event of failure to comply with the aforementioned time limits; whereas compliance with the aforementioned time limits constitutes for him an essential condition of the contract, resulting from an express request made prior to conclusion of the contract or from the circumstances surrounding its conclusion.

SEAVER undertakes to reimburse, at the latest within fourteen (14) working days following the date on which the contract was terminated, the full price paid at the time of order.


‍In accordance with
the Law, SEAVER grants the BUYER, when he is a consumer within the meaning of French law, a right of withdrawal which may be exercised by simple request using the form below, or by simple request made by e-mail to This right of withdrawal is for a total period of thirty (30) days starting:

- from the date of order of the PRODUCT(S)
- from receipt in the case of pre-orders of PRODUCT(S)

Withdrawal form
the attention of SAS SEAVER, 17 rue Claude Bloch, 14000 Caen, France
to be sent by e-mail to

I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the goods (*)/provision of the services (*) below:
Ordered on (*)/received on (*) :
Name(s) of consumer(s):Address(es) of consumer(s):
Signature(s) of consumer(s) (only if notifying this form on paper):
Delete as appropriate.

Send this letter by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
During this period of thirty (30) days, the BUYER thus has the possibility of withdrawing from his commitment, without having to justify any reason whatsoever.
Any PRODUCT not purchased by means of the SITE or SEAVER SERVICES cannot benefit from this right of withdrawal.

the PURCHASER's order relates to a subscription concerning a SERVICE, the PURCHASER acknowledges expressly requesting SEAVER that this SERVICE be performed as soon as possible.

Consequently, the PURCHASER may not benefit from his right of withdrawal if the SERVICE is fully performed before the end of the legal withdrawal period, pursuant to Article L.121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code.

By taking out a subscription, the BUYER is placing a single order, which obliges him/her to pay the full amount for the duration of the subscription.

prejudice to the rights guaranteed to the BUYER by law, the present right of withdrawal will not be applicable, in application of article L.121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code:
- For orders for digital content not supplied on a physical medium, the execution of which has begun after prior and express agreement by the BUYER and express renunciation of his right of withdrawal,
- When the BUYER has unsealed and used a PRODUCT and/or its accessories in such a way that their return is not possible for reasons of hygiene.

When the BUYER is not a consumer within the meaning of the Law, the present right of withdrawal will not be applicable either:
- For online services,
- When the BUYER cannot return the PRODUCTS and its accessories in their original packaging.

Furthermore, SEAVER will not be obliged to grant the BUYER's right of withdrawal, in application of article L.121-21-3 of the French Consumer Code:
- In the event of use of the PRODUCT that does not conform to normal use, resulting in its depreciation,
- In the event of a mismatch between the PRODUCT returned and the one that is the subject of the present retraction, or in the event of the PRODUCT being returned after the legal deadline of fourteen days following communication by the BUYER of his decision to retract, unless SEAVER offers the BUYER the possibility of recovering the goods himself.


Any modification of the present general terms and conditions will be subject to the prior written notification and express acceptance of the BUYER, who has the right to terminate the contract at any time.

Such modifications may only come into force at the time of the start of a new contractual period due to tacit renewal, and, preceded by express acceptance of these modifications by the BUYER or a new order, subsequent to the entry into force of these modifications expressly accepted by the BUYER at the time of conclusion of the contract.


SEAVER will sometimes allow the BUYER to pre-order certain PRODUCTS and/or SERVICES before their release date. By this means, SEAVER wishes to allow the BUYER to be among the first to order SEAVER PRODUCTS and SERVICES.
When SEAVER allows the BUYER to pre-order a PRODUCT and/or SERVICE, SEAVER undertakes to send it to the BUYER as a priority, unless SEAVER is unable to collect the price through the payment method the BUYER has chosen.

By subscribing to a pre-order, the BUYER authorizes SEAVER to deduct the price of the PRODUCT and/or SERVICE from his account

If it appears that SEAVER can no longer deduct the price through the payment method that the BUYER has chosen, SEAVER will keep the PRODUCT and/or SERVICE aside for the BUYER, for a period that SEAVER will indicate to the BUYER in the emails informing him of this situation.

In the absence of effective payment within the period indicated in the e-mails informing the BUYER of this situation, SEAVER will be obliged to cancel this pre-order. The BUYER will then only be able to order the PRODUCT and/or SERVICE on its release date or through another pre-order operation.

By placing a pre-order, the BUYER benefits from and is subject to all the rights and obligations included herein.


Certain SUBSEQUENT SERVICES may be offered to the PURCHASER by means of a subscription, which may commit the PURCHASER for a specific period, as specified in the order, and obliges the PURCHASER to pay the amount due for the duration of the subscription.

The BUYER declares and acknowledges that, in the case of a subscription to a SUBSEQUENT SERVICE, he expressly requests that this SERVICE be performed as soon as possible, and therefore may not benefit from his right of withdrawal if the service is fully performed.

Under the terms hereof, the contract for a subscription to one or more SERVICE(S) is concluded for an initial contractual period of 12 months.

In order to ensure that the BUYER does not inadvertently lose the benefit of the subscription to which he has subscribed, his subscription will be automatically renewed for the duration initially subscribed, after expiry of the initial contractual period.

This automatic renewal will be invoiced at the price applicable on the day of renewal of the subscription of which the PURCHASER will have received prior information and, in the absence by him of denunciation of the contract, notified on the SITE or a SERVICE, at least 30 days before the end of the contractual period, previously notified by SEAVER, and without penalty of cancellation nor right to compensation.

It remains however possible to the PURCHASER at the end of the initial contractual period to cancel this subscription at any time and without notice. However, for subscriptions concerning a SUBSEQUENT SERVICE over a given period, it will be considered that any month started must be paid for.

The BUYER will be notified at the earliest 3 months and at the latest 1 month, by dedicated e-mail to the e-mail address provided at the time of the initial subscription, of the expiry of the initial contractual period and of the automatic renewal. At that time, he/she may express his/her wish not to benefit from automatic renewal.

After sales service

SEAVER provides the BUYER with an after-sales service which can be contacted via an online form or by e-mail at the following address:

In the interests of efficiency, the BUYER's personal information may be temporarily transmitted to SEAVER's after-sales service until the problem encountered has been resolved. However, SEAVER ensures that its after-sales service complies strictly with its privacy policy.


L’ACHETEUR déclare et garantit avoir pris connaissance que de manière non exhaustive, la navigation sur le SITE, la création d’un compte personnel, l’identification, le fait d’effectuer une commande permet l’obtention par SEAVER de certaines DONNÉES à caractère personnel.

La collecte des DONNÉES et leur utilisation au titre des présentes est subordonnée au consentement de l’ACHETEUR.

Le traitement des DONNÉES conservées au titre des présentes a fait l’objet d’une déclaration CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés) le 14 février 2018 sous la référence 2152485 v 0.
Conformément à la Loi informatique et Libertés du 6 Janvier 1978 modifiée, l’ACHETEUR bénéficie d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations le concernant, à tout moment en s’adressant à

L’ACHETEUR pourra notamment accéder à tout moment aux écrits relatifs à toute commande électronique d’un montant supérieur à cent vingt (120) euros conservés par SEAVER pour une durée de dix ans à compter de la livraison / exécution du service, conformément à l’article L 134-2 du code de la consommation.

L’ACHETEUR pourra également, pour des motifs légitimes, s’opposer au traitement des données le concernant.

Dans le cadre du présent article 12, le terme de DONNÉES inclut les Données Sensibles décrites à l’article 8 de la loi n°78-17 modifiée dite « Informatique et liberté », et les Données Personnelles.

Les PRODUIT(S) et SERVICE(S) SEAVER offrent un accès instantané à des DONNÉES liées à la santé et la forme physique des chevaux, permettant à l’UTILISATEUR d’analyser les entrainements et progrès de ses chevaux, mieux gérer leur santé, et d’atteindre ses objectifs.

Notre engagement de confidentialité s’applique à nos produits connectés de suivi de la performance et de la santé des chevaux, notre site Internet, et notre application mobile Seaver. En continuant d’utiliser ces produits et services SEAVER, vous acceptez que nous traitions les DONNÉES que nous recueillons auprès de vous.

Nous tenons bien évidemment à respecter votre vie privée, donc nous sécurisons vos DONNÉES, ne les utilisons que dans certains cas particuliers, et ne les partageons pas sans votre accord.

Ceci est notre engagement de confidentialité :
- Nous recueillerons uniquement les DONNÉES qui sont utiles pour améliorer nos produits, nos services et votre expérience.
- Nous ferons preuve de transparence en ce qui concerne nos pratiques liées aux DONNÉES et allons les expliquer clairement.
- Nous ne vendrons jamais vos DONNÉES et nous partagerons les données qui vous identifient personnellement uniquement lorsque vous nous le demanderez.
- Nous prendrons toujours la sécurité de vos données très au sérieux.

Il se peut que cette politique change au fil du temps, mais les modifications apportées ultérieurement n’affecteront pas les DONNÉES qui ont été recueillies alors qu’une autre version de cette politique était en vigueur. Si un changement venait à modifier vos droits de façon importante en vertu de cette politique, nous vous ferions parvenir un résumé des modifications par e-mail à l’adresse associée à votre compte SEAVER et publierions un avis sur notre site.

Si vous avez des questions, contactez nous :

L’ACHETEUR est seul titulaire des droits sur les DONNÉES traitées dans le cadre des SERVICES.

L’ACHETEUR déclare et garantit qu’il dispose de toutes les autorisations nécessaires à l’exploitation des DONNÉES dans le cadre des SERVICES et qu’il peut en concéder librement licence dans les termes sus visés à SEAVER, à ses sous-traitants et à ses cessionnaires.

L’ACHETEUR déclare et garantit en outre qu’en créant, installant ou téléchargeant les DONNÉES dans le cadre des SERVICES, il n’excède aucun droit qui lui aurait éventuellement été concédé sur tout ou partie des DONNÉES et qu’il ne porte pas atteinte à des droits de tiers.

L’ACHETEUR s’engage à indemniser SEAVER de toutes les conséquences pécuniaires que SEAVER pourrait être amené à supporter en raison d’un manquement de l’ACHETEUR au regard des garanties sus visées concernant les DONNÉES.

L’ACHETEUR est informé et accepte que SEAVER puisse accéder à ses DONNÉES et les transmette sur réquisition d’une autorité administrative ou judiciaire habilitée à accéder aux DONNÉES.

Dans un tel cas, sauf si ladite réquisition l’en empêche, SEAVER veillera à informer l’ACHETEUR sans délai de l’existence de la réquisition et des DONNÉES qui ont été transmises.

L’ACHETEUR est seul responsable de la création, de la sélection, de la conception, et de l’utilisation des DONNÉES par l’UTILISATEUR dans le cadre des SERVICES. Il est également seul responsable de la collecte et du traitement des Données Personnelles et des Données sensibles par l’UTILISATEUR.

SEAVER ne sera en aucun cas responsable du non-respect par L’ACHETEUR et/ou l’UTILISATEUR de ses obligations légales ou conventionnelles au regard des Données Personnelles ou d’éventuelles Données Sensibles.

Lorsque la législation à laquelle l’ACHETEUR est soumis impose de recueillir au préalable l’autorisation des personnes dont les Données Personnelles sont traitées, ou que ladite législation met à la charge de la personne appelée à traiter ces Données Personnelles un ensemble d’obligations, il incombe au seul ACHETEUR, et sous sa seule responsabilité, de se conformer aux dispositions législatives applicables et d’obtenir les éventuelles autorisations préalables.

Lorsque le transfert des DONNÉES ne passe pas par un réseau contrôlé par SEAVER, l’ACHETEUR reconnaît que SEAVER n’a aucun contrôle sur le transfert des DONNÉES via les réseaux de télécommunication publics utilisés par l’ACHETEUR pour accéder aux SERVICES et notamment le réseau Internet.

L’ACHETEUR reconnaît et accepte que SEAVER ne puisse garantir la confidentialité des DONNÉES lors du transfert de celles-ci sur les dits réseaux publics. En conséquence, SEAVER ne pourra en aucun cas voir sa responsabilité engagée en cas, notamment, de détournement, de captation, de corruption des DONNÉES, ou de tout autre évènement susceptible d’affecter celles-ci, survenant à l’occasion de leur transfert sur les réseaux de télécommunication publics.


- Warranty against hidden defects

SEAVER warrants that the equipment supplied to the BUYER is free from all defects, in accordance with articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code. In the event of a latent defect, the BUYER shall inform SEAVER within thirty (30) days of the discovery of the defect, which is defined as a defect in the equipment rendering it unfit for its intended use and which could not have been detected by the BUYER prior to its use.

A design defect is not a latent defect and the BUYER is deemed to have received all technical information relating to said equipment.

If the hidden defect is proven, SEAVER will proceed within thirty (30) days of the information, at the BUYER's option, if the BUYER is a consumer as defined by law, with the replacement and/or repair of the defective equipment or parts in accordance with Article 1644 of the French Civil Code, without the BUYER being able to claim damages, for any reason whatsoever.
- Legal warranty of conformity

SEAVER warrants the equipment for a period of two years from the date of receipt by the BUYER against any manufacturing or operating defect.

When the BUYER acts under the legal warranty of conformity, he shall have a period of two years from the date of delivery of the goods to act. If the defect is proven, SEAVER will proceed within thirty (30) days, at the BUYER's option if the BUYER is a consumer within the meaning of the law, with the replacement and/or repair of the defective equipment or parts, without the BUYER being able to claim damages, for any reason whatsoever, and subject to the cost conditions stipulated in Article L. 211-9 of the French Consumer Code. The BUYER, if he is a consumer as defined by law, is exempted from proving the existence of the lack of conformity of the good during the six months following the delivery of the good. This period is extended to twenty-four months for products delivered on or after March 18, 2016.

SEAVER draws the BUYER's attention to the fact that malfunctions resulting from sensors being dropped and/or crushed are expressly excluded under the present warranty.

Nor shall SEAVER be held liable for any deterioration or damage resulting from normal wear and tear or from causes unrelated to the intrinsic qualities of the equipment, such as those resulting from abnormal use or from the actions of the BUYER, the animal under his or THE ACTUAL USER's control or his agents: load, shock, fall or wrong operation, insufficient protection against humidity, heat, frost, effect of electrical and atmospheric surges transport, handling or assembly not in conformity, when these have been carried out by the BUYER or a third party.

Batteries are not warranted.

warrants that it has all intellectual property rights to enter into this Agreement and, as such, warrants that the SERVICES provided in performance of this Agreement do not infringe any third-party rights or constitute an infringement of any pre-existing work.

SEAVER makes no other express or implied warranties with respect to the SERVICES, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. SEAVER does not guarantee the results of the SERVICES and is only bound by an obligation of means towards the BUYER.

It is not guaranteed that the functionalities of the SERVICES will satisfy the BUYER's requirements.

The BUYER acknowledges that he/she is informed that a SERVICE may contain errors and that not all errors are economically rectifiable or that it is not always necessary to correct them. Consequently, SEAVER does not guarantee that all failures or errors in the SERVICES will be corrected.


In no event shall SEAVER be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by the BUYER arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement and its consequences. Indirect damage includes, but is not limited to, loss of earnings or profits, loss of data, loss of opportunity, commercial damage, the consequences of complaints or claims by third parties against the BUYER, notwithstanding the fact that SEAVER would have been diligently warned of the possibility of their occurrence.

In any event, SEAVER's liability in the event of damage to the BUYER, for any reason whatsoever and regardless of the legal grounds invoked or retained, all damages combined and cumulated, shall be expressly limited and shall in no event exceed the total amount, exclusive of taxes, of the sums collected by SEAVER over the current contractual period in execution of the present contract.

SEAVER shall in no event be held liable in particular in the event of :
- use of the SERVICES in a manner not provided for or not expressly authorized in the user documentation and by the present Contract
- modification of all or part of the SERVICES or of the information accessible via the SERVICES not carried out by SEAVER or by one of the Authorized Service Providers designated by the latter
- use of all or part of the SERVICES when SEAVER, use of the SERVICES in an environment or configuration that does not comply with SEAVER's technical requirements, or in connection with third-party programs or DATA not expressly endorsed by SEAVER
- loss of the BUYER's DATA following an intervention by SEAVER or a third party designated by the BUYER or by SEAVER, where the BUYER has not taken the precaution of backing up his DATA prior to this intervention when he has been asked to do so in advance -
of the occurrence of any damage resulting from a fault or negligence on the part of the BUYER, or which the BUYER could have avoided by seeking advice from SEAVER
- use in connection with the Services of programs not supplied or endorsed by SEAVER and likely to affect the BUYER'S SERVICES or DATA

Compliance with laws and regulations

SEAVER shall comply with the legal and regulatory obligations applicable to it in its capacity as a service provider and under the law applicable to the Contract. SEAVER is not required to assume the legal and administrative obligations of the BUYER, including those relating to the SERVICES provided under the Contract. It is therefore the BUYER's responsibility to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to him, without being able to hold SEAVER liable.

The BUYER, for his part, also undertakes to comply with the laws in force to which he is subject, either by virtue of his nationality, or by virtue of his geographical location. In particular, the BUYER shall comply with the applicable provisions relating to the content of the DATA (French Data Protection Act) so that no processing contrary to the law may be carried out by SEAVER.

Miscellaneous provisions

In the event of one or more clauses being declared null and void by a court decision or proving impossible to implement, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected and the parties undertake to negotiate a replacement provision in good faith.

The fact that a party does not claim the application of any provision of this contract, or tolerates its temporary or permanent non-performance, shall in no case be interpreted as a waiver by that party of its rights hereunder.

The fact that a party tolerates non-performance or imperfect performance of the contract or, more generally, tolerates any act, abstention or omission by the other party which does not comply with the provisions of this contract shall not confer any right whatsoever on the party benefiting from such tolerance.

These general terms and conditions express the entire agreement of the parties and supersede any prior agreement, whether written or oral, express or implied. It constitutes the sole will of the parties.

The parties acknowledge that they are acting as independent co-contractors. The present contract shall not have the effect of creating between them a company or association of any form whatsoever.

SEAVER reserves the right to assign all or part of the rights and obligations arising from the present contract to a company or a third party.


This contract is governed exclusively by French law.

The parties agree to seek an amicable solution to any dispute arising from the interpretation or performance of the Contract. The BUYER, if he is a consumer within the meaning of the law, undertakes, in the event of a dispute, to make a claim directly, and in advance, to SEAVER.

If the parties fail to reach an amicable resolution or through mediation, any dispute relating in particular to the formation, validity, interpretation, performance or breach of this contract and, more generally, to the relationship binding the parties, shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts with territorial competence.

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